Casino Advanced

Wednesdays 7:20pm-8:20pm
Level: Advanced
(begginer -improver and intermediate levels required)
6 weeks

Class description

In this dynamic and engaging class, we’ll dive deep into the intricacies of Casino dancing, focusing on enhancing your partner connections and mastering stylish moves that will add flair and sophistication to your dancing repertoire.

Partner connection lies at the heart of this class series, as we explore techniques to strengthen your communication and synchronization with your dance partner. You’ll learn how to lead or follow with precision, fluidity, and confidence, creating a seamless and enjoyable dance experience for both you and your partner.

But that’s not all – we’ll also delve into a variety of stylish moves and combinations that will elevate your dancing to the next level. From intricate footwork patterns to eye-catching spins and turns, you’ll discover how to add flair, creativity, and personal expression to your Casino style.

Please note that participation in our beginner, improver, and intermediate sessions is mandatory to ensure that all students have a solid foundation and can fully benefit from the advanced class curriculum. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and ready to tackle the challenges and intricacies of advanced Casino dancing.

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